Concerning Paladins
The Paladin Order is an elite company of hallowed Knights who adhere to strict chivalric code in order to combat the forces that seek to eradicate mankind. They are renowned for bearing the highest moral caliber of any trained military in all the known realms. Though they are by far not the largest military force in the world, they regularly excel in situations that pit their order against overwhelming odds.
While Paladins are highly skilled soldiers, they put a tremendous emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Very rarely are Paladins the one to strike first in a conflict, but they will see to it that they are the ones to land final blow. Paladins are at their best when putting their lives on the line for those who cannot defend themselves.
The Paladin Order takes great pains to equip the defenseless with the mental and physical capacity to defend themselves and raise them up out of bondage. Despite these efforts many fiefdoms misjudging their true intents look down upon the Paladins and are quick to slander their efforts, or worse sell them out to their greatest enemies, the Lich.
A Paladin will expend seemingly limitless energy to preserve a life, be it friend or foe. The only place where this line is drawn though is concerning the Lich. Though a Lich still bears their human souls they are considered to be forsaken beings. Creatures of darkness who corrupt everything they come into contact with.
While rarely some occasional good may arise from their actions, the Lich' twisted desires almost always leads to some terrible form of calamity. The Paladin Order has sworn to destroy every Lich in existence, but their nemeses are ruthlessly cunning and masters at hiding themselves from the prying eyes of the world. They take on this impossible task knowing full well that their enemies have the upper hand in numbers, firepower and influence.
It is because of these overwhelming odds that the Paladins are constantly in training. A veteran Paladin in full battle regalia is a rare and amazing sight to behold. They have honed their bodies to be weapons of such a high caliber that even unarmed they are still fearsome opponents.
Few living, sentient, combatants would knowingly dare pick a fight against a lone Paladin, even if they outnumbered them ten to one. A small consolation, to have at least that small level of respect. It’s thanks to this mentality that most Paladins end up living lonely, solitary lives. Constantly at odds with a fallen world that seeks to break their order over its knee. To force them into accepting the same corruption that long since consumed their own hearts.
Overall, young Paladin cadets are trained in every aspect of the three Primary classes until such a time that their natural talents are able to help aid them in selecting a single focus. Upon reaching the full rank of Paladin they are provided with the armor of a fallen Paladin that they will be responsible for maintaining and repairing.
It is a solemn profound choice for a Youth to accept the call to arms and become a full-fledged Paladin. Up until the end of their cadet hood a youth can still choose to back out from taking on the rank of Paladin. They are allowed this opportunity because they are made well aware in advanced that the roll of Paladin is a lifelong obligation, one that could last days or decades.
Only a select few have ever been known to have broken their vows after attaining the rank of Paladin. Though it is a rare occurrence all broken vows are major ordeals that burden every member of the Holy Order from the greenest cadet to the most jaded Elite. While it is rarer still that such oath breakers ally themselves with the Lich, there are two such cases on record. The two who broke their oaths have caused much damage and bloodshed to the Paladin Order and to this day are among the top priorities of the Order waiting to be brought to justice.
While Paladins are highly skilled soldiers, they put a tremendous emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and truth. Very rarely are Paladins the one to strike first in a conflict, but they will see to it that they are the ones to land final blow. Paladins are at their best when putting their lives on the line for those who cannot defend themselves.
The Paladin Order takes great pains to equip the defenseless with the mental and physical capacity to defend themselves and raise them up out of bondage. Despite these efforts many fiefdoms misjudging their true intents look down upon the Paladins and are quick to slander their efforts, or worse sell them out to their greatest enemies, the Lich.
A Paladin will expend seemingly limitless energy to preserve a life, be it friend or foe. The only place where this line is drawn though is concerning the Lich. Though a Lich still bears their human souls they are considered to be forsaken beings. Creatures of darkness who corrupt everything they come into contact with.
While rarely some occasional good may arise from their actions, the Lich' twisted desires almost always leads to some terrible form of calamity. The Paladin Order has sworn to destroy every Lich in existence, but their nemeses are ruthlessly cunning and masters at hiding themselves from the prying eyes of the world. They take on this impossible task knowing full well that their enemies have the upper hand in numbers, firepower and influence.
It is because of these overwhelming odds that the Paladins are constantly in training. A veteran Paladin in full battle regalia is a rare and amazing sight to behold. They have honed their bodies to be weapons of such a high caliber that even unarmed they are still fearsome opponents.
Few living, sentient, combatants would knowingly dare pick a fight against a lone Paladin, even if they outnumbered them ten to one. A small consolation, to have at least that small level of respect. It’s thanks to this mentality that most Paladins end up living lonely, solitary lives. Constantly at odds with a fallen world that seeks to break their order over its knee. To force them into accepting the same corruption that long since consumed their own hearts.
Overall, young Paladin cadets are trained in every aspect of the three Primary classes until such a time that their natural talents are able to help aid them in selecting a single focus. Upon reaching the full rank of Paladin they are provided with the armor of a fallen Paladin that they will be responsible for maintaining and repairing.
It is a solemn profound choice for a Youth to accept the call to arms and become a full-fledged Paladin. Up until the end of their cadet hood a youth can still choose to back out from taking on the rank of Paladin. They are allowed this opportunity because they are made well aware in advanced that the roll of Paladin is a lifelong obligation, one that could last days or decades.
Only a select few have ever been known to have broken their vows after attaining the rank of Paladin. Though it is a rare occurrence all broken vows are major ordeals that burden every member of the Holy Order from the greenest cadet to the most jaded Elite. While it is rarer still that such oath breakers ally themselves with the Lich, there are two such cases on record. The two who broke their oaths have caused much damage and bloodshed to the Paladin Order and to this day are among the top priorities of the Order waiting to be brought to justice.
Paladin Origins
Paladins trace the origins of their order back to twilight days of the Pioneering Era, where their founding members originally served as elite security forces known as Aegis. They watched over the princes and princesses of the royal families ensuring no harm ever befell them. Their unit were no mere gilded watchdogs though. The Aegis repulsed assassination attempts, quelled rebellions, crushed traitorous ambitions, and saw to it that their wards were raised holding to the highest moral caliber among the ruling classes.
It was tradition during those days that the eldest of each generation of the seven Royal Families live together within Starship Cassiel, that they would grow up as a loving family isolated from the bloody feuds their parents and siblings had been drawn into. It did much to keep the peace in those days, at least until the alien entity known as Anubis came to be among them.
With that devils arrival they quickly found their opponents numbers double and triple exponentially. Aegis forces soon began to dwindle, stretched thin between the increasingly difficult task of guarding the Royal Kin, and putting down the countless uprisings spurned forth by the lies spread via the sect of Anubis.
Soon enough the damage to their society was too much to bare. The seven great ships plunged into the new world taking the lives of billions with them in an instant. It was a disaster the likes of which had not been recorded since the great flood or yore. The masses ran mad and mercilessly slaughtering one another, in some cases even faster than the phantoms loosed by the Geist Effect were capable.
It was in that darkest of hours that the surviving children of the royal families, turned into magnificent dragons, descended from the stars. Victorious in their first battle against the vile Demon Lich Anubis. They were so disgusted by what had become of their people that they were prepared to incinerate the lot of them for their despicable acts.
It was a lone Aegis, bloodied and broken by the very people he had sworn to protect that dared to stand between the two sides and courageously asked that the people be spared. Moved by this one valorous act the Dragon Kin stayed their hand. The efforts the Aegis had put into those children were not in vain, they would carry their chivalric code deep into the new millennia spanning conflict that followed.
In time the remnant of the royal security forces managed to show the people a way to eke out a living in an increasingly unfamiliar accursed world. There was still much death and bloodshed to be seen daily but in time, things began to stabilize and an uneasy calm descended upon the people.
Eventually these first few soldiers became known as Paladins, protectors of the earth and all its inhabitants. Their wards the Dragon Kin to this day lend their support to the Holy Order, unfortunately they are often distracted by the many elite entities they must battle with who threaten daily to wipe the earth clean of humanity.
Only working together have the two been able to maintain some semblance of order. Pitifully the people do not remember their sacrifice; no songs are sung for their great deeds. Rather they sew curses against them for daring to steer the course of their lives in a positive direction.
In order to survive in a world where just about every person, place or thing wants them dead the Holy Order has had to adapt some very specialized class systems in order to weather the never ending storm. There are three primary classes among the Paladin Order, though there are also a number of unique sub classes as well.
It was tradition during those days that the eldest of each generation of the seven Royal Families live together within Starship Cassiel, that they would grow up as a loving family isolated from the bloody feuds their parents and siblings had been drawn into. It did much to keep the peace in those days, at least until the alien entity known as Anubis came to be among them.
With that devils arrival they quickly found their opponents numbers double and triple exponentially. Aegis forces soon began to dwindle, stretched thin between the increasingly difficult task of guarding the Royal Kin, and putting down the countless uprisings spurned forth by the lies spread via the sect of Anubis.
Soon enough the damage to their society was too much to bare. The seven great ships plunged into the new world taking the lives of billions with them in an instant. It was a disaster the likes of which had not been recorded since the great flood or yore. The masses ran mad and mercilessly slaughtering one another, in some cases even faster than the phantoms loosed by the Geist Effect were capable.
It was in that darkest of hours that the surviving children of the royal families, turned into magnificent dragons, descended from the stars. Victorious in their first battle against the vile Demon Lich Anubis. They were so disgusted by what had become of their people that they were prepared to incinerate the lot of them for their despicable acts.
It was a lone Aegis, bloodied and broken by the very people he had sworn to protect that dared to stand between the two sides and courageously asked that the people be spared. Moved by this one valorous act the Dragon Kin stayed their hand. The efforts the Aegis had put into those children were not in vain, they would carry their chivalric code deep into the new millennia spanning conflict that followed.
In time the remnant of the royal security forces managed to show the people a way to eke out a living in an increasingly unfamiliar accursed world. There was still much death and bloodshed to be seen daily but in time, things began to stabilize and an uneasy calm descended upon the people.
Eventually these first few soldiers became known as Paladins, protectors of the earth and all its inhabitants. Their wards the Dragon Kin to this day lend their support to the Holy Order, unfortunately they are often distracted by the many elite entities they must battle with who threaten daily to wipe the earth clean of humanity.
Only working together have the two been able to maintain some semblance of order. Pitifully the people do not remember their sacrifice; no songs are sung for their great deeds. Rather they sew curses against them for daring to steer the course of their lives in a positive direction.
In order to survive in a world where just about every person, place or thing wants them dead the Holy Order has had to adapt some very specialized class systems in order to weather the never ending storm. There are three primary classes among the Paladin Order, though there are also a number of unique sub classes as well.
Sparrow Paladin
Sparrow Class Paladins, are the first line of defense against the forces of darkness. They operate as the advanced rangers and scouts of the Paladin Order. They specialize in tracking, infiltration, information gathering, long range communication, deductive reasoning, and above and beyond all else are highly skilled survivalist.
A Sparrow must keep a clear head on their shoulders to ensure they remain capable of independent operations. Information is their greatest weapon and primary goal. They are well versed in identifying wartime indicators, and use knowledge gained in the field to ensure early warnings are provided to those with the greatest potential to lead defensive countermeasures. Failing that Sparrows will lead evacuation or fortification efforts for civilian populaces should no willing soldiers be available.
As they are always on the move, Sparrows pack light. Most usually they are equipped in either Sparrow Gear, common garb, or some mixture therein, depending on the level of resistance they expect to encounter. While Sparrows are well versed in a range of combat techniques they are instructed to prioritize escape to ensure that their priceless information reaches those in greatest need of it.
Sometimes in order to avoid drawing suspicion, Sparrows will perfectly integrate themselves into a particular society. They will go so far as to even hide their fealty from comrades in the same region in order to maintain their freedom of movement. It can be a harsh task having to allow a beloved comrade to be beaten half to death in order to properly root out the true seed of evil. If it should come down to losing the life of another Paladin versus losing their cover a Sparrow will gladly take up arms in their comrades defense even if it costs them years of set up.
There are comparatively few Sparrow Paladins out in the field versus Questing Paladins due to the highly specialized skill set involved. While they tend to rank on the lower end of combat potential among Paladins the service Sparrow's provide has been critical in saving thousands of lives. Entire invasions have been halted, plagues of monsters averted, and Lich slain thanks to their efforts.
Notable Sparrow Paladins...
-Rhea Bernhardt
-Coren Dirge
-Camelia Seigmund
A Sparrow must keep a clear head on their shoulders to ensure they remain capable of independent operations. Information is their greatest weapon and primary goal. They are well versed in identifying wartime indicators, and use knowledge gained in the field to ensure early warnings are provided to those with the greatest potential to lead defensive countermeasures. Failing that Sparrows will lead evacuation or fortification efforts for civilian populaces should no willing soldiers be available.
As they are always on the move, Sparrows pack light. Most usually they are equipped in either Sparrow Gear, common garb, or some mixture therein, depending on the level of resistance they expect to encounter. While Sparrows are well versed in a range of combat techniques they are instructed to prioritize escape to ensure that their priceless information reaches those in greatest need of it.
Sometimes in order to avoid drawing suspicion, Sparrows will perfectly integrate themselves into a particular society. They will go so far as to even hide their fealty from comrades in the same region in order to maintain their freedom of movement. It can be a harsh task having to allow a beloved comrade to be beaten half to death in order to properly root out the true seed of evil. If it should come down to losing the life of another Paladin versus losing their cover a Sparrow will gladly take up arms in their comrades defense even if it costs them years of set up.
There are comparatively few Sparrow Paladins out in the field versus Questing Paladins due to the highly specialized skill set involved. While they tend to rank on the lower end of combat potential among Paladins the service Sparrow's provide has been critical in saving thousands of lives. Entire invasions have been halted, plagues of monsters averted, and Lich slain thanks to their efforts.
Notable Sparrow Paladins...
-Rhea Bernhardt
-Coren Dirge
-Camelia Seigmund
Questing Paladin
Questing Paladins may have the greatest numbers of their order but they also have the toughest jobs among the Holy Order. They are jacks-of-all-trades and take it upon themselves to do all the missions that nobody else can do. From tracking down the bodies of fallen comrades, slaying man-eating beasts, exorcising Phantoms from ancient ruins, bringing wanted criminals to justice, providing humanitarian aid, quelling blood feuds, to even guiding war orphaned children safely to Paladin outposts. No roll is too big or too small for a Questing Paladin. Knowing full well that they will be geographically separated from their comrades for years at a time; they are, most times, the only face the ignorant masses will ever know of the Paladin order.
One of the most vital rolls a Questing Paladin fulfills is that of minute man. At any moment should a call for aid arrive they must put aside all secondary missions in order to aid their comrades fighting on the front lines. Being dispersed throughout most of the known world, a Questing Paladin can be notoriously difficult to track down. Especially should one deem it necessary to integrate into a society to function as missionaries in order to better deliver a people from the doctrine of the Lich. This is why specially coded banners are carried in such time, in order to signal potentially hidden Paladins without blowing their cover when en-route to the front Lines.
Questing Paladins truly are the mainstays of the Holy Order's combative forces. They lead very solitary lives, often with nothing but their own thoughts to keep them company. The service they provide to the world though is invaluable in keeping the forces of darkness from rampaging across the planet. Necromancers, despite their numerical superiority, are always weary of encountering a plain clothes Paladin in the field. Those who brashly attack and plunder villages without taking such matters into account will quickly find themselves brought to justice for their wicked deeds by the most unlikely of people.
Notable Questing Paladins...
One of the most vital rolls a Questing Paladin fulfills is that of minute man. At any moment should a call for aid arrive they must put aside all secondary missions in order to aid their comrades fighting on the front lines. Being dispersed throughout most of the known world, a Questing Paladin can be notoriously difficult to track down. Especially should one deem it necessary to integrate into a society to function as missionaries in order to better deliver a people from the doctrine of the Lich. This is why specially coded banners are carried in such time, in order to signal potentially hidden Paladins without blowing their cover when en-route to the front Lines.
Questing Paladins truly are the mainstays of the Holy Order's combative forces. They lead very solitary lives, often with nothing but their own thoughts to keep them company. The service they provide to the world though is invaluable in keeping the forces of darkness from rampaging across the planet. Necromancers, despite their numerical superiority, are always weary of encountering a plain clothes Paladin in the field. Those who brashly attack and plunder villages without taking such matters into account will quickly find themselves brought to justice for their wicked deeds by the most unlikely of people.
Notable Questing Paladins...
- Ciel Lancier
- Michelle Lark
- Eric Pikeson
Aegis Paladin
Of the three primary Paladin classes the Aegis class knight is definitely one of the most feared combatants for a Necromancer to encounter. Covered from head to toe in gleaming armor, an Aegis defense is second only to the rare metal golems excavated from the Palace of Tombs centuries before. Their armor has been crafted utilizing ancient techniques that have been all but forgotten to the industry of the fallen world.
The Aegis class armor is designed to support a Paladin in a multitude of ways. Should a stab wound somehow penetrate the inner layer the specialized fibers will constrict around the area stopping the flow of blood to injury sites. Specialized joint system allows Aegis Paladins to wield weapon much heavier than a normal combatant is capable of. They are so precisely attuned to their user that Paladins have even been known to continue swinging their weapons long after the bones in both of their arms have been shattered.
The exterior of the armor isn't merely for show either. They are commonly covered in specially blessed oils that cause intense burns to the corrupted flesh of the undead even the light reflected from Aegis armor is enough to send lesser undead fleeing. At least a few Paladins have passed into the pages of legend when they were witnessed single handedly exterminating well over two hundred ghouls in a single battle.
The primary downside to such superior defense is that the Aegis are rather slow on foot. To compensate for this they ride giant warhorses when able, Strong beast more than capable of bearing the load of their rider and all of their gear for days at a time without rest. These rare breeds of horses are greatly sought after by enemy fiefdoms and the Lich themselves, but the animals are trained to recognize a wicked heart and will never allow someone with evil intent in their hearts to ride their elegant forms.
Most often an Aegis Paladin will carry a tower shield into combat with them along with one or two additional side arms... most commonly a war maul or a broad sword. When mounted, they also commonly arm themselves with mighty lances capable of piercing even the toughest of dragon hide. The ferocity of an Aegis in battle is world renown, especially when they have something precious to protect. There is no greater sense of relief than knowing that an Aegis Paladin has answered your call for reinforcements, and no greater fear to the opposing side.
Because of the difficulty involved in maneuvering Aegis Paladins into the field they are often pre-deployed to key villages or fiefdoms on the frontier. Entire fiefdoms have been spared being razed thanks to the presence of a single Aegis. The benefits they provide a populace extends well beyond combat operations. Aegis will go to great pains to raise the intelligence of a population by training those willing in a wide variety of subjects. Why Aegis Paladins are often regarded as bookworms by those who are unaware of their true calling.
It is said that a Paladin in Aegis gear is incapable of being turned undead, that the bodies of a slain Aegis would sooner burn away in azure flame than follow a single command of even the most powerful of Lich. This has been infinitely infuriating to the Inner Council who greatly desires to confiscate such skill sets among their own undead elite.
Notable Aegis Paladins...
The Aegis class armor is designed to support a Paladin in a multitude of ways. Should a stab wound somehow penetrate the inner layer the specialized fibers will constrict around the area stopping the flow of blood to injury sites. Specialized joint system allows Aegis Paladins to wield weapon much heavier than a normal combatant is capable of. They are so precisely attuned to their user that Paladins have even been known to continue swinging their weapons long after the bones in both of their arms have been shattered.
The exterior of the armor isn't merely for show either. They are commonly covered in specially blessed oils that cause intense burns to the corrupted flesh of the undead even the light reflected from Aegis armor is enough to send lesser undead fleeing. At least a few Paladins have passed into the pages of legend when they were witnessed single handedly exterminating well over two hundred ghouls in a single battle.
The primary downside to such superior defense is that the Aegis are rather slow on foot. To compensate for this they ride giant warhorses when able, Strong beast more than capable of bearing the load of their rider and all of their gear for days at a time without rest. These rare breeds of horses are greatly sought after by enemy fiefdoms and the Lich themselves, but the animals are trained to recognize a wicked heart and will never allow someone with evil intent in their hearts to ride their elegant forms.
Most often an Aegis Paladin will carry a tower shield into combat with them along with one or two additional side arms... most commonly a war maul or a broad sword. When mounted, they also commonly arm themselves with mighty lances capable of piercing even the toughest of dragon hide. The ferocity of an Aegis in battle is world renown, especially when they have something precious to protect. There is no greater sense of relief than knowing that an Aegis Paladin has answered your call for reinforcements, and no greater fear to the opposing side.
Because of the difficulty involved in maneuvering Aegis Paladins into the field they are often pre-deployed to key villages or fiefdoms on the frontier. Entire fiefdoms have been spared being razed thanks to the presence of a single Aegis. The benefits they provide a populace extends well beyond combat operations. Aegis will go to great pains to raise the intelligence of a population by training those willing in a wide variety of subjects. Why Aegis Paladins are often regarded as bookworms by those who are unaware of their true calling.
It is said that a Paladin in Aegis gear is incapable of being turned undead, that the bodies of a slain Aegis would sooner burn away in azure flame than follow a single command of even the most powerful of Lich. This has been infinitely infuriating to the Inner Council who greatly desires to confiscate such skill sets among their own undead elite.
Notable Aegis Paladins...
- Campanella Aggio
- Joseph Cross
- The Woodcutter Paladin
Broken Heart Paladin
The Broken Hearts are a subclass of veteran paladins who have been maimed in combat to such a degree that they are no longer capable of efficiently fighting on the front lines. Where a Necromancer would sooner off a wounded comrade and use them for spare parts, the Paladins send their wounded back to the rear where their wounds are cared for and special positions established for them to continue their work.
Broken Hearts, often take jobs training new cadets who in turn help serve as aids to the wounded vets. Other useful rolls include city guards, messengers, and raising willing war orphans in the ways of their Order. Though most war orphans are given an education based on the teachings of the Paladin Holy Order they are free to choose their own path upon coming of age; they could go off to live on their own, become farmers or knights to some other fiefdom, or chose to take up the fight of their extended Paladin family.
Despite being surrounded by friends the Broken Hearts tend to live out lonely lives. Too few understand the psychological horrors they have witnessed. Many are often afraid to look upon their disfigured forms. They loyally support one another as best they can until death finally claims them in their old age, reuniting them to their fallen comrades.
Notable Broken Hearts...
Broken Hearts, often take jobs training new cadets who in turn help serve as aids to the wounded vets. Other useful rolls include city guards, messengers, and raising willing war orphans in the ways of their Order. Though most war orphans are given an education based on the teachings of the Paladin Holy Order they are free to choose their own path upon coming of age; they could go off to live on their own, become farmers or knights to some other fiefdom, or chose to take up the fight of their extended Paladin family.
Despite being surrounded by friends the Broken Hearts tend to live out lonely lives. Too few understand the psychological horrors they have witnessed. Many are often afraid to look upon their disfigured forms. They loyally support one another as best they can until death finally claims them in their old age, reuniting them to their fallen comrades.
Notable Broken Hearts...
- Gloria Silvermane
- Kaia Ravenheart
Whispered Paladin
The Whispered are a rare subclass of Paladin bearing a truly unique skill set. They are monster trainers. Their skills are passed from father to son/daughter. At a young age Whispered are trained to study a particular breed of creature native to the Emerald Plains. Eventually once they have learned all there is to know about the habits and attitudes of a particular beast they will then begin the difficult task of locating a runt of said species to raise from infancy.
A wide range of creatures have been successfully trained in the past with some incredible results. Some animals are used to track enemy troop movements, some act as guard or attack beast, some are capable of healing the wounded, while others still can be used for hunting down even deadlier forms of beast in the wild. The process is not limited strictly to mammals either. Reptiles, birds, fish, and even carnivorous slimes have been successfully trained in the past. Each Whispered is a unique specialist unto themselves. Once a Whispered has mastered how to keep a monster's natural instincts in check they are then able to lend specialized provide to other Paladins in the field.
Whispered can be tricky opponents to combat as their beast are very protective of their masters. Most will respond to specialized whistles that can be heard by the beast from miles away. Many a Necromancer has had a great day turn into their worst when they were suddenly plucked into the sky by gigantic flesh eating bird and dropped from hundreds of feet up seconds before landing the death blow to a Whispered. Dire wolves tend to be popular choices for Whispered to train as they are loyal enough beast that they can be given to other classes of Paladin to aid in their missions with minimal training (to the receiving Paladin) required.
A wide range of creatures have been successfully trained in the past with some incredible results. Some animals are used to track enemy troop movements, some act as guard or attack beast, some are capable of healing the wounded, while others still can be used for hunting down even deadlier forms of beast in the wild. The process is not limited strictly to mammals either. Reptiles, birds, fish, and even carnivorous slimes have been successfully trained in the past. Each Whispered is a unique specialist unto themselves. Once a Whispered has mastered how to keep a monster's natural instincts in check they are then able to lend specialized provide to other Paladins in the field.
Whispered can be tricky opponents to combat as their beast are very protective of their masters. Most will respond to specialized whistles that can be heard by the beast from miles away. Many a Necromancer has had a great day turn into their worst when they were suddenly plucked into the sky by gigantic flesh eating bird and dropped from hundreds of feet up seconds before landing the death blow to a Whispered. Dire wolves tend to be popular choices for Whispered to train as they are loyal enough beast that they can be given to other classes of Paladin to aid in their missions with minimal training (to the receiving Paladin) required.
Rook Paladin
Few soldiers of the Paladin order are as unique as the Paladin Royal Guardsmen known affectionately as Rooks. They are a specialized subclass of Aegis Paladin that specialize in the perfection of defensive maneuvers. Typically they are armed with a long spear and short sword, though in most cases these merely serve a ceremonial function.
Their true strength lies in the unique mechanisms by which they attach their massive shields. Rook shields are incredibly light weight, forged from the former heat-sinks of the fallen Pioneer Ships. They are highly aerodynamic and capable of shrugging off even dragon flame. The specialized mechanism provide the Rooks with a wide reach that can cover far more ground than is normally thought possible among shield bearers.
Rook Paladins usually guard the royal members of the Paladin Order, as well as key diplomatic targets during peace negotiations. They especially shine in scenarios where neither party is allowed to bring weapons of any kind. While this would normally be a suicidal position to take when dealing with necromancers, Rooks got things covered. Their shields are more than capable of resisting or redirecting a wide range of potentially lethal spells.
By their very design Rooks are exceptional at fighting in narrow corridors or towers stairwells, where they are capable of holding off hordes of combatants for hours on end. A Rook is never considered to be truly unarmed so long as they have at least 1 shield. They are so efficient that they have been known to easily shatter every bone in an opponent’s arm, to include their weapon, with a single flick of the wrist.
Rooks are typically handpicked from Aegis Class Paladin Veterans who rank high among duelist circles. It’s said that they often participate in such duels unarmed in order to hone their skills to the sharpest degree possible. Dueling unarmed in a ring were combatants regularly lose life or limb in an instant would be considered suicidal by most, but to the Rooks it’s the only way to be sure that they have what it takes to protect the lives that are most important to them.
Notable Rook Paladins...
Their true strength lies in the unique mechanisms by which they attach their massive shields. Rook shields are incredibly light weight, forged from the former heat-sinks of the fallen Pioneer Ships. They are highly aerodynamic and capable of shrugging off even dragon flame. The specialized mechanism provide the Rooks with a wide reach that can cover far more ground than is normally thought possible among shield bearers.
Rook Paladins usually guard the royal members of the Paladin Order, as well as key diplomatic targets during peace negotiations. They especially shine in scenarios where neither party is allowed to bring weapons of any kind. While this would normally be a suicidal position to take when dealing with necromancers, Rooks got things covered. Their shields are more than capable of resisting or redirecting a wide range of potentially lethal spells.
By their very design Rooks are exceptional at fighting in narrow corridors or towers stairwells, where they are capable of holding off hordes of combatants for hours on end. A Rook is never considered to be truly unarmed so long as they have at least 1 shield. They are so efficient that they have been known to easily shatter every bone in an opponent’s arm, to include their weapon, with a single flick of the wrist.
Rooks are typically handpicked from Aegis Class Paladin Veterans who rank high among duelist circles. It’s said that they often participate in such duels unarmed in order to hone their skills to the sharpest degree possible. Dueling unarmed in a ring were combatants regularly lose life or limb in an instant would be considered suicidal by most, but to the Rooks it’s the only way to be sure that they have what it takes to protect the lives that are most important to them.
Notable Rook Paladins...
- King Leoric