the 4 completed representative animals for my Patron Categories! I'm pretty happy with how they came out tho the set isn't quite complete just yet. I'll add in Sombrero Rooster once I finish him up tomorrow. I also need to add a basic shadow element underneath them as well.
These in the end will be the primary icons for delving into the Patron Reward pages, which I still have a significant amount of work to do, to get them fully populated with material. I'm torn between how difficult it's going to be to coordinate running this site as my central hub. It will be a major ordeal to get my patrons to want to switch over to this site to lend their support. I suspect that enough wont get around to it that I'll have to keep my patreon account around for some time to come. Which will just make coordinating posting these updates to other platforms all the more difficult. I'd love to hear what you all think of these. I really should look into getting some comment apps added to the site now that I think about it. le sigh 1 more task to add to my billion task list. :\
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