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I really love this stage of the work, when its full identity begins to reveal itself.
Wound up adding a lot more thorny vines to the background. Plays into the concept of the Path of Pins / Path of Needles. Which has some rather intriguing metaphors in the original lore. Still got some more sketches to put out for peeps but have been rather slowed down due to my dental situation. That the VA is making ever the more a harrowing endeavor. I currently have no more teeth, and my gums are a mangled mess. They are so backed up appointment wise that I wont have a proper pair of dentures until deep into next year. And I've got to go in for yet another surgery for them to reshape my jaw bones. An Aveoloplasty or some such. I Shouldn't have looked it up on youtube. Basically will slice open my gums yet again and go in with what are wire cutters to chop off any remaining bone material that's sticking out too much. A proper clinic would have done all of this in one sitting but the VA sees fit to keep bringing me in repeatedly to ensure I wont be fully healed for a long time. My mouth feels incredibly unnatural and I wonder now if I'll ever get to feel normal with my mouth ever again. I desperately want implants. They make the amount of material needed to hold dentures in places far less and ensures you don't have to constantly be dealing with denture cement. My experience with the VA medical system has overwhelmingly been a negative one and isn't doing me any favors concerning my mental well being. Which is why I wound up in this situation to begin with. Man I can't believe its already almost October. It feels like I've accomplished so little this year. I'm really thinking that I'll have to suspend doing sketch requests next year so that I can build a proper focus on my Crimson Dames and do better with promoting myself over social media. I really REALLY want to visit a haunted house this year but with my mouth in the state that its in I don't even want to be seen in any capacity.
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