Some of you might have noticed that I wound up going completely inert these past 2 weeks. Firstly no it wasn't the plague going around, tho it was partially due to health issues. > _>
Due to my detrimental dental condition I have a persistent Sinus infection that flares up every so many weeks and that was going on on top of a persistent digestive issue, then some back issues. All of which teamed up to completely and thoroughly drain me of all my energy and drive to do anything constructive, which opened the doors for the dreaded persistent depression. Which makes me like a machine that's run out of oil. Takes forever to start up and burns out quickly. When I'm in a severe energy deprived state I just can't draw anything worthwhile to save my life. So could only shut down for a while till things started normalizing. Yesterday though determined to conclude this issue at all costs I did a top down cleaning of my house, got everything organized nice and neat, and got some better feng shui going. which did help to raise my energy levels. What this all means for you my adoring fans and patrons? Well first off until the next 15th all Patrons no mater their reward Tier will be allowed to submit a Sketch Request from me. The higher your Patron Tier the the more time and effort I'll put into the work. Now to avoid this all becoming a slog to me I request that you avoid getting too specific about your request. Lets go with something like Character or Creature X, in a pose that evokes mood Y and leave me with some creative freedom to try and make the most of the concept. :0 Please label your request as "Patron Special Reward" Patrons current, and new will have till April 15th to make their request so be sure to not miss out! And by all means please help to spread the word. I can use all the new patrons I can find. ^ o^ I'll be working on 1 sketch per day until their all complete. and on my own projects in between. Thanks so much for your patience and continued support It means the world to me. I could not afford to do this work without your most generous support. As for non Patrons I'll be holding another Roll for Loot contest in some days here. ^ o^ Thanks again everyone, if you have any questions be sure to reach out to me or peeps in my discord and we'll help to make things clear. :p
Sketch Reward for Ryguy!
Don't forget to join the Roll For Loot Raffle to see if u can earn a sketch request of your own! Sketch Reward for Doomy!
Man this one took a while to get just right with my waning energy condition. :\ Apologies all for being so slow with updates.
I've been crushingly low on energy and my sleep schedule is all over the place. Making it quite hard to rally my strength to draw effectively. Heres the first of the last months Roll For Loot Contest winners. Speaking of which This Months just went live! Be sure to make your way to the discord to participate! ^ _^ Sketch Reward for KeyBladeMark! Forgot to announce that this piece was finished and posted up! :D
The extra large file has been posted for Copper Tier Patrons section. I still haven't had the chance to add a Shards page to the Gold Tier Patrons page due to being perpetually busy/exhausted, soon tho hopefully. Though does anyone ever actually access those? I really need to think up a better reward for the Gold Tier but I'm about as well paced as a flattened sloth these days. U _U Anywho with that minor detraction out of the way though I'll be moving onto the Roll For Loot / Birthday sketch requests. ^ _^ I do want to get a short story written up for this piece at some point just gotta think through who or what her opponent is and how the eclipse plays into it. that and make the time to do so. Y oY |