Frequently Asked Questions!
Art Related Questions
Do you offer commissions?
I don't normally advertise being open for commission work due to really wanting to focus on getting my Crimson Dames series off the ground. If money is tight however I could perhaps be coaxed into accepting one.
Do you take requests?
Alas I cannot. I don't have the time to accept requests without some form of compensation for my efforts. Though, I do offer means by which one could earn a Sketch Request.
Lore Related Questions
Where can I read your Crimson Dames story???
You cant... well at least, not yet. ._ .()
I'm currently in the process of writing/illustrating my first novella for the series. It will serve as an introduction to the lead characters, the world they inhabit, and show an example of the sorts of chaotic encounters they'll regularly have to deal with.
I do have story excerpts scattered about the site though. Short 1 to 2 page stories that offer some interesting glimpses into the world of Crimson Dames. I try to add a bit of story to all of my major illustrations when posting them up.
The novella exploded into a much larger project than I originally intended so its been a slow process. I want to eventually hire on proper editors down the road too to help me iron out all the wrinkles.
I tend to get caught up making the art and lose focus on the writing. So by all means feel free to give me a swift kick to the rump if I'm lagging behind on getting written works out. I need all the inspiration I can get. ^ o^
I also really need to add more to my character Bios for the site.
Don't forget though that I'm essentially a one man team so things will move slowly till I'm able to afford to hire on more creators to help me render my vision.
My aim is to at least have the novella in a readable state before the end of the year.
Depending on how successful that first novella ends up will help me to determine if the series should primarily be a written work or comic format. I'm guessing my audience would prefer the latter.
I'm currently in the process of writing/illustrating my first novella for the series. It will serve as an introduction to the lead characters, the world they inhabit, and show an example of the sorts of chaotic encounters they'll regularly have to deal with.
I do have story excerpts scattered about the site though. Short 1 to 2 page stories that offer some interesting glimpses into the world of Crimson Dames. I try to add a bit of story to all of my major illustrations when posting them up.
The novella exploded into a much larger project than I originally intended so its been a slow process. I want to eventually hire on proper editors down the road too to help me iron out all the wrinkles.
I tend to get caught up making the art and lose focus on the writing. So by all means feel free to give me a swift kick to the rump if I'm lagging behind on getting written works out. I need all the inspiration I can get. ^ o^
I also really need to add more to my character Bios for the site.
Don't forget though that I'm essentially a one man team so things will move slowly till I'm able to afford to hire on more creators to help me render my vision.
My aim is to at least have the novella in a readable state before the end of the year.
Depending on how successful that first novella ends up will help me to determine if the series should primarily be a written work or comic format. I'm guessing my audience would prefer the latter.
Site Related Questions
I want to send you some funds! How do I do that??
I have a Tip Jar under the Iron Tier section of my Patronage page that's ideal for one time donations.
As a bonus should you meet an amount equating to a Patron Tier I'll provide you with a months time of that Tiers benefits. ^ _^
($2 = Copper Tier, $10 = Silver Tier, $20 = Gold Tier)
($2 = Copper Tier, $10 = Silver Tier, $20 = Gold Tier)
Where is that comic with the Shewolf transforming you made?
Oh yeah! Since that ones not finished yet its housed under Projects.
I can't see the animations playing!
The animations for Double Shewolf and Pierced Lycanthrope are both set to autoplay. I wanted to just have them be Gifs, but no matter what I tried I couldn't get the files to stop choking out peoples browsers.
If you can't see the animations its because your browser likely has auto play blocked. It's a simple enough task to enable it for Studio-Aegis.
Below are the steps I took to enable Auto Play on my browser and cellphone.
If you can't see the animations its because your browser likely has auto play blocked. It's a simple enough task to enable it for Studio-Aegis.
Below are the steps I took to enable Auto Play on my browser and cellphone.
After that hitting refresh should have the animations pop up automatically. You can then use the tabs to switch between alternate variations of the animations!
Sadly this seems to not be a viable process for all browsers. So far "Firefox" and "Opera" worked best for me.
Alternatively you could try right clicking on the image and selecting play, or perhaps just outright downloading it. :p
Sadly this seems to not be a viable process for all browsers. So far "Firefox" and "Opera" worked best for me.
Alternatively you could try right clicking on the image and selecting play, or perhaps just outright downloading it. :p
Miscellaneous Questions