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Main body has been adjusted, gettin the grass to feel more unified with the winds direction.
Hows it feel to you???
Just got to where the inks were completed yesterday, but comparing it to the original pencils it just feels so stiff by comparison.
I am making the hard decision to redo the arms and the grass, as I don't like how that feels very much either. Here are the major changes I'll be making. Once I finish this pic I'll be getting back to the sketch requests so be sure that you got urs filled in. :p Decided to change things up by making a fully colored illustration for patrons and non patrons alike. :p
I penciled this one up some months back, and thought it was about time I get it completed. ^ o^ Need to think of some minor elements I could add to help provide her sense of scale a bit better. Finally got the pencils for this one finished!
I'm tempted to do a set of these for each of the 4 Crimson Dames. Each with their own version of their Big Bad Wolf. Thinking about it now, might be fun to do a stained glass take on this. The piece is continuing to evolve as I work on it.
Got the idea to add some of the ghost bunnies. A motif I've grown to like with orphan. Their not something she can see, nor any others in the story, their only there for us to see. In a sense I see them reflecting her innocence, where as her Mother's specter is its inevitable loss. Debating with myself if the wolf up top really works tho. Contemplating that It might be better making the tree element larger, and just putting more bunnies about it. Maybe instead could preserve the element of the eyes staring out from the murk of the forest. Trying to zero in on an interesting abstraction of Orphan's mother for the background element. Am starting to think that this might make for an interesting shirt design. Not sure if the idea of a cemetery quite works directly behind her, will have to play around with it more to see what comes about.
This is part of an exchange that me and Were-World are experimenting with.
To see if we can't combine our efforts in the future to speed up our progress on our projects. I figure he inking my work and my coloring his would help to speed up our works immensely. I tend to be much faster at coloring my own works, were Were-World is much faster at inking, and also my pencil work tends to not be quite as complex as his. This should allow us to also ensure that our styles remain front and center. I'm excited to see how it all turns out. ^ o^ While making this one I had the idea pop into my head, of Standard curtly asking why Prisoner gave Orphan the rabbit to hold? "How are we supposed to cook it now???" Vampire strolls up to Orphan and looks down at her menacingly. Will this be the night that Vampire Traumatizes Orphan? Or will it be the night that everyone had to make due with stone soup? I think I must have burned myself out recently or something because it took much longer to finish the pencils for this one than I expected. :\
It's here now tho. ^ o^ This piece primarily features the same sort of necromantic bolts that Vampire has been firing through out the story, but this one is on a much higher level of power. I want to work in the idea that larger spells of that scale take time to set up. I want vampire to say at some point, "Protect me for 5 minutes" With Standard being all like "What??!" as their being surrounded by countless slimy tendrils. Still a ways to go with this pic. This ones been resisting me pretty hard over the last few days. Still working out the forced perspective for Vampires body and trying to find a happy balance for all the elements.
I had the idea that these necromantic bolts required drawing Spectral energy from Reserve Undead Vampire has housed... somewhere. usually costing the body of a low ranking undead. Larger spells tho require a much longer cast time and also calling in of "favors" from high ranking undead. The ultimate cost being the lost of that creatures servitude. Allowing the high ranking undead to roam free afterwards with no master. Much to the detriment of all who will later encounter it. This is the moment before Vampire places 2 massive holes into the Monstress, opening the door for Orphan land the death blow. Though she was dead to begin with... |