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Sorry that the updates slowed down a bit, the inking stage always becomes a slow crawl. That and I worry peeps will loose interest seeing too much of the in between stages as I get it up to speed. XD
Don't forget those of you not active on the Crimson Dames Discord that I'm hosting another roll for loot which ends on the first. Just a small one, not nearly as many sketches as last time but boosting rules are still in effect so if your close you could try and get a friend to sign on as a patron and get that prize pot just a wee bit bigger. ^_ ^ Am really enjoying how this coming out so far. There's lots of little adjustments and details to add in still but its coming along nicely. Gotta decide for Prisoner's project if her villain should be Granny, one of the lead jailers, or perhaps granny flanked by 2 jailers. Which would you like to see? Don't forget still got an open offer where if peeps sign onto Minds and drop me a follow that they can earn a sketch reward. Site can be a tad off putting initially, but get u a good feed of artists going there and eventually get the Plus mode to drop the adds and u'll find it has a very wholesome community with really engaged peeps. Your voice can stand taller without so much other nonsense drowning you out. It is still undergoing growing pains, but I foresee it turning into a great place for creators to flourish.
Trying to stay up to resynce my borked sleep schedule, thanks to that though was able to finish up the pencils for this piece! :D
The banner was quite the challenge to get just the right amount of flow out of it. The worn out swords are representative of Standard going down the Path of Pins, or was it Needles?? I really like how White Wolf came out looming above. I wanted him tearing at her banner, but I just couldn't quite figure out the pose for that, and it made less sense as the bottom portion neared completion. I think this works out rather well though. Don't be afraid to send some feedback my way, can help a lot at this stage! Tell me if anything feels off or missing. I was originally planning on making this my next illustration, but I don't think its quite up to that level. I like how it came out but the pose is perhaps just a tad too static to really tell a story. So I'll save that idea for another day.
I think instead I'll play with penciling up the concept for another versus like pic. just gotta decide on which to be next. Standard Vs White Wolf? Prisoner Vs The Jailer, or Granny Wolf? Vampire Vs. here Werewolf Stalker? Which would interest you for the next pic? While Harpies are an uncommon threat in the world of Perilous Quest / Crimson Dames, what threat they do pose is quite a dire one to all involved. Where there are many subhuman species of monster that bear humanoid features, and little in the ways of sentience. Harpies are believed to be full blown sentient humanoids. That they were once human before the days of the Pioneering Era. Harpies have an intense loathing for their own visage despite having what many would consider to be quite gorgeous properties. Thus they craft wicked looking masks to hide their appearance and appear more terrifying to their peers and enemies. They tend to be found in high mountainous crags or ancient forgotten castles. They largely hunt in packs barreling down upon their prey from above with a loud cacophony of shrieking wails and clattering of bells and or ornaments they often collect from their victims as trophies. Usually their startled prey will become frozen in place out of sheet terror making them an easy target, or sent fleeing only to collide with stones or other protruding masonry. Not much is known about the harpy culture beyond the fact that they are an incredibly violent people who regularly attack travelers and other herd animals who stray too close to their territory. It is believed that some know a rudimentary form of Necromancy that gives them power over the other sisters of their tribe. Though only the vaguest reports have been mentioned from those who miraculously survived a raiding pack. Harpies typically are quite a bit stronger than the usual humanoid species even capable of giving most lesser werewolves a run for their money. They have tremendous agility and can pull off some incredible death defying high speed areal maneuvers. Complete at last! My first full color illustration for the year!
Man I really love how this one turned out! I already added the new illustration to my Teepublic page in case peeps are interested in some merch items to show off in. ^o ^ If you end up getting something send us a photo of u wearing it, and I'll give you a sketch reward! I for sure want to get some posters created for this one. I just need to find me a print shop that can handle a smaller print run at the quality and scale I'm most interested in. I think what I'll do for this one though is set it up so that they can only be acquired by Gold Tier patrons at no additional cost. I still need to research the cost and shipping for it all tho. Since I don't have a vehicle I can't easily ship stuff out on my own so several little technical hurdles I'll have to figure out before then. I'll keep you all posted tho! I really wanna hear ur feed back on this piece tho! and please don't forget to share and fave where ever you can! I need all the help I can get to widen my reach. I very much need to raise my income to reach a new level of production. :p HD scaled pic is available to Copper tier Patrons and above, with the original .PSD available to Gold Tier Patrons (For learning purposes only please) Thank you all again so much for your support especially my dedicated patrons! I could not afford to do this work without all of your amazing support!!! Ah man I'm really digging how this is coming along!
Colors are finding a nice pallet that compliments the individual parts while allowing the focus points to remain distinct. Can't wait to see this completed. I really need to find me a print shop tho that's willing to ship small print runs around 50 ish pieces at an affordable price. Anyone happen to have any suggestions for that??? A thought occurred to me concerning the nightmare of Orphan's mother in wolf form. That due to her having not seen her in seven years before these events kicked off that she would have already been having a difficult time remembering her mothers face. And then after the attack she's reached a point where she can only recall her bestial face, and how crushing that would be to her psyche. Someone finding a photo of her or some way to help her remember could be a powerful scene if handled correctly. I'm eager to hear your thoughts over this piece so far! I'm hoping that it should be completed in a matter of days here. Been working on this one off and on since I started my last major sketch reward push.
Those are nearing completion or should be by the end of the next week I suspect. Am really digging how this ones coming along tho. I had essentially already flatted the piece which will make getting around to the colors easier as well. Still not entirely sure how I want to approach the colors for this one, since I could go with a more traditional pallet, or something that evokes more of a mood. I tend to use the same handful of color schemes a bit too often with my completed works as well so would be fun if I could find a pallet outside of my comfort zone that I can get to work. :p Don't forget peeps can earn a sketch reward from me if they opt to register and follow me on Minds.com. Lotta rising artists there worth following, and soon enough I'll start accepting minds tokens for sketch rewards. I'm wanting to look into re host my website to minds.com at some point as it would allow my website to earn tokens at that point from visitors. But there's a lot of technology I need to come to grips with, and it will be a slow grind, that and still need to earn enough tokens to unlock pro mode. Tho I hear their looking to adjust how that mode works so things are still a bit in the air. I did see tho that Webflow has a website building app thats much more diverse with the number of unique processes it can handle. It would be much more capable of performing the tasks I was looking to accomplish before. Where if you log in that the sites common art assets would adapt to reflect the your patronage rank. Lotta research to do tho but something to look forward to. ^o ^ |