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Forgot to announce that this piece was finished and posted up! :D
The extra large file has been posted for Copper Tier Patrons section. I still haven't had the chance to add a Shards page to the Gold Tier Patrons page due to being perpetually busy/exhausted, soon tho hopefully. Though does anyone ever actually access those? I really need to think up a better reward for the Gold Tier but I'm about as well paced as a flattened sloth these days. U _U Anywho with that minor detraction out of the way though I'll be moving onto the Roll For Loot / Birthday sketch requests. ^ _^ I do want to get a short story written up for this piece at some point just gotta think through who or what her opponent is and how the eclipse plays into it. that and make the time to do so. Y oY
Now that the inks are in a good place the coloring is on! Working in the initial shadow layer for Historia.
Shading the grass will be an interesting challenge what with the angle I set the lighting for it. I'm digging where its going so far tho just a lot of stuff to plug away at still. Main body has been adjusted, gettin the grass to feel more unified with the winds direction.
Hows it feel to you??? Decided to change things up by making a fully colored illustration for patrons and non patrons alike. :p
I penciled this one up some months back, and thought it was about time I get it completed. ^ o^ Need to think of some minor elements I could add to help provide her sense of scale a bit better. |