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Sorry! It's been too long without an update. Been working on a new illustration this past month. The lighting has been difficult to figure out.
The scene is a moment where Red Riding Hood Standard makes a climatic leap just as a voracious 2 headed dragon lunge after her. And end up crashing their heads together. I'm still figuring out the lighting effects. Lotta shading to do still before its done, but its starting to take on a proper life of its own now. I've been needing to post more regularly but my various maladies have been keeping me from having the strength to do so. The website had an issue too where it lost its SSL for some weeks and I only just figured out how to get it set back up correctly. I want to rebuild my website from scratch so bad, but Webflow is too complicated for my meager coding skills, and at the same time insufficient to pull off the full scope I have for my website. I really just need to learn to code on my own, but don't even know which language to start learning. I really need some help figuring out where would be best to start given what I'm trying to accomplish. Heck it might be better if I just build my own codeless web builder. designed to organize my sites data and aesthetic the way I need. More and more I think what I really need to do is make a website that is an interactive video game. Imagine something where you could explore various dungeons and find pages that open access to new 3D galleries. With unlockable ways to access key characters input on a given work in their own voice. I need to be able to utilize multi layered web building. I know its possible but most site builders don't easily account for its possibility. Seen some really cool doom mods that had me thinking "surely I could pull off something like this" Make a sort of pseudo walking simulator where you physically go to different areas of the site to view whats been created. And or ancient tomes where you flip through and see the various sketches done as tho it were some arcane wizards manual. So much I want to do so little time, and even less funds and energy to go round. Remember you can always find me in the discord. I need to post more about my Fallout 76 camp and shelters too that have kept me pretty distracted of late. Thanks again so much for your continued support in these trying times. I really want to find something I can create to give back to you all. Just always a struggle to figure out where best to get something printed. My works tend to not print as well as I'd like.
Fundraiser Sketch Reward for Nothere!
I really need to get better at drawing torn tattered clothes... and untattered clothing as well. XD Been a long while since I'd drawn one of my own dragons. Or any dragons for that matter.
This beauty is Tephris the dragon Matriarch. Youngest of the ancient Dragon who roam about the world of the Macabre. She is the patron to the Paladin Order and has helped to guide their order and keep it free of the corrupting influences of the Necromancers. She is one of several Kaiju sized beasties that roam my stories world. Despite her prowess she has never been capable of besting her older sister Kul'Nar in battle, especially not since her sister fell in battle with the Necromancers and corrupted into a Dracolich. I apologize that it took so long to complete this and that updates have been so slow of late. I've had so little energy and drive recently and just can't seem to get my sleep schedule to return to a happy cycle. I keep finding myself completely drained of energy right when its time for my usual live stream. Yo Y Hopefully I can get that sorted out soon. I'm not sure what my next project will be just yet, but I have been in great need of flexing my creative writing muscles again. So I can get back into a writing mode to finish my novella. Kills me that I still don't have a solid work to point people to to be able to say start here. Thank you all again for your continued support, it means a ton to me, more than I know how to properly express. Remember you can always find me on the discord if you ever wanna learn more about the ideas I've been ever so slowly building onto in my head. ;D Finally it is complete!
And I've been approved to move forward with renting a home!!! Hopefully can get moved in this week. :D Finally some progress! Can't wait to be settled in and get back to my work on Crimson Dames. The coloring continues.
The Inks are nearing completion!
I'm saving the chains and the bulk of the background for last since they'll need more work to get looking a bit more natural. Been house hunting like mad with little progress being made. I've been focusing on one particular house that's been on the top of my list. A 2 story 100+ year old house with a basement! I really hope I can secure it but its been a difficult back and forth. I suspect the owner is either quite busy or not incredibly skilled at digital communications. Got a lot of anxiety that I might not be able to get it. So lend me a prayer that I can pull it together. :\ I'm hoping to have the inks for this be completed tomorrow. then a day or two for the colors and one more for the Art Director to request any final adjustments. I'm really digging how its coming out and think it will be one of my stronger creations for Dragon Shield. ^ _^ Inks are coming along for Emperor Scion!
I didn't quite get as much done as I wanted due to having to go grocery shopping today. Which is an all day affair for me due to not having a vehicle. I have a sturdy luggage rack that I drag along with an old Amazon Food box and bring back as much as I can carry crossed as well as how thick (or Thin) the wallet is for that week. I tend to feel like I'm playing a game of Organ Trail. Go out hunting and and shoot 800 pounds worth of food but could only carry back 200 pounds. XD |