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Finally another completed animation!
You have no idea how difficult it was to get her hair looking this good. XD I wanted to go with a much moodier project for this one. The concept is that she was a soldier, or perhaps a town guard. and after having become cursed, terrified of what she might end up doing to her family she sought to end her own life. The Curse of Lycanthropy, however, is not so easily shed. When self harm is inflicted the body ends up undergoing an out of sequence transformation, that will essentially lock out their human consciousness. This has the effect of forcing the victims mind to run on raw animal instinct. With the first goal on their plate being to sate their intense hunger. Having fallen on her own sword this woman has introduced a new factor into already grim plight. The intense pain of the blade will prevent her from reverting back into human form. She will lack the strength of will to pull the blade out herself. She will rampage across the lands until she some greater force is able to destroy her or wrench the blade from her body. In her attempts to flee from her curse she has most assuredly wrought it upon her closest loved ones in ways that few will ever fully comprehend. ------------ I might revisit this concept later on and consider making this character something along the lines of a boss encounter for the Crimson Dames. Something I'd love to integrate into the board game concept that's been brewing in the back of my mind for some time now. For the now though She is available to behold in the main Crimson Dames Gallery. Super High Res variants are available to Copper Tier Patrons. As there is no clothed variant for this piece there is no additional content to release to silver tier patrons at this time. The original .PSDs and .Spine files are available to Gold Tier patrons. (For Learning purposes only) I'll be starting a new Roll For Loot Contest very soon as well! So keep an eye open for that!
Finally She is complete!
I had stopped working on this one for a time while when I began work on the Pierced Lycanthrope. I forget why precisely. I guess I just wasn't waking up with enough time to do so. But the intense amount of work that it took to complete the Pierced Lycanthrope gave me a whole new level of skills that allowed me to go back and make major adjustments to this one. Thanks to that I can now stamp this one as finished. I could go back and do a completely new animation at some later point. This one had a bit more flexibility to get some different movements out of the model. It might be fun to do avatars or emotes where I try to pull out some different body language. For the now though She is available to behold in the main Crimson Dames Gallery. Super High Res variants are available to Copper Tier Patrons. Nude Variants are available to Silver Tier Patrons. And The original .PSDs and .Spine files are available to Gold Tier patrons. (For Learning purposes only) I'll be starting a new Roll For Loot Contest very soon as well! So keep an eye open for that! So close!
Still refining various movements and timing to get everything moving as smoothly as possible. I left the bones on for this WIP so peeps can have a better sense of how nightmarish this process has been. Over 160 bones controlling the hairs movment that has to be manipulated individually. I still need to track down some good music and sound effects to layer in to really pump up the atmosphere. The main animation should be complete any day now. I'll go back and put the finishing touches on the Double Shewolf too, since I figured out some techniques that will make finishing that one much easier too. Once this is complete tho I'll be holding a couple Roll For Loot contests as well as offering some sketch rewards for my Gold tier Patrons who've stuck with me so diligently through these difficult times. Oh yeah I made a Mind's account recently to try and branch out my reach a bit more. It's got some pretty interesting features. It has this set up where you can earn credits for interactions that help strengthen the network. Which can be converted to crypto currencies and eventually local currencies. I'm interested in seeing what migrating my website to their infrastructure could do for my audience growth. Would be especially interesting if it would mean that interactions with my website could be translated into tokens. Lotta research to do still. Even tho it's been around for about a decade its still in the early growth phases and the code ever improving. I highly recommend peeps branch out there too, especially the rising artists among us. ^_ ^ It's a great time to jump on board now, lots of new indie creators expanding their brands there. where your voice is more easily heard. Help cultivate the feed you want for social interactions. www.minds.com In case your interested heres my referral link. I'll be sure to follow back if you do. Hrmm perhaps I should work signing on there as a means for peeps to gain an additional sketch request in the near future. Deeply sorry for the delay in updates of late!
Today's progress!
Spine program kept crashing on me yesterday really bad, I realized its because the back up system had filled up with quick saves and was causing the system to crash so cleaned that up and it didnt crash on me once today! Now mind you this isn't close to being finished yet. Today I got the meshes for the breast and torso completed and animated. The timing for the breasts feels a tad off still, but the abs have a nice subtle bounce to them. Will probably tackle the tail tomorrow so it doesn't look so static. Add some bones a mesh for both parts, that way it can sway more dynamically. Still need to get all the long fur parts meshed and animated. Then figure out some additional movements and reactions for them. ^o ^ Would love to hear what you think tho, and if you have any suggestions or crituques please by all means send them my way! (Easiest over Discord) (Join the server!) ;D Took a bit to get this looking as smooth as it does, but I'm really digging it! :D
She just wants to snuggle, but she don't. XD Will keep practicing with spine and making more animations while I do some non novella related pics for the near future. I'm working towards a massive shift in my approach to Crimson Dames that should hopefully take my work to a whole other level, and dramatically set my works apart from those working within the same niche subgenre. :p I'll get more details out in an upcoming Raven Roundup (formerly Raven Weekly)
Hoboy this took a while!
The main illustration was essentially completed weeks ago, but as I started breaking down the figure to rig it in Spine Esoteric I found that the main image changed just enough that I couldn't bring myself to finish posting it until the process had been completed. Spine is such a crazy cool program! Been having a blast figuring out all its ins and outs to see what it can accomplish. There's still quite a ways to go until the animation is complete but you can see some glimpses of whats been figured out thus far. Their just quick WIP animations where I simple slapped parts where they should be. They don't yet have proper squash and stretch, secondary movements, and ease in/out. I think I probably broke the figure down far more than was actually necessary, now that I'm seeing all that the Mesh system can use. so the next piece will go much quicker. I'll even try my hand at animating some other artists images to see what I'm capable of. Now all of these revelations have some major implications concerning how I move forward with my novella and Crimson Dames in general. I'll go into greater detail with what I've got planned in my next Raven Roundup (Formerly Raven Weekly). Oh yeah and the pics have all been posted to the website too! Regular versions for the Iron Tier, High Res Files for the Copper tier, Uncensored variants for the Silver Tier, and the massive .PSD is available for Gold Tier Patrons (For learning purposes only) Be sure to check them out and and tell me if you see any irregularities with the website. I'm sure I must have forgotten to link something properly somewhere. Oh I also got the design over on teepublic as merch too! Tell me what you think so far would love to hear what you think! Apologies again for how long this has taken me to get a new update prepped for, I'll be posting some birthday sketches I recently created for peeps soon, and am also starting up on a new pic that I think is coming out rather well too. Lots more to come see you soon in the stream tonight! And again for those of you who are already patrons, thank you so much! You have no idea how much you've helped me to advance as a creator. Really hope I can track down a good local print shop that will let me get some new poster prints made soon. If you have any suggestions for places that can handle small print runs and ship please send it my way. ^_ ^ Got this more cleaned up finally, I'm going to be using it as a page loader for my website which I'm hoping will be at a good stopping point tonight.
FINALLY!!! Thank you all so much for bearing with me, this has been a major uphill struggle to get my site overhauled and I'm hoping the work will have been well worth the effort. ^ o^ I'll be dishing out some special gifts to patrons in the upcoming weeks to thank you all for your patience and continued support. I'll also be offering a sketch requests to all patrons who opt to transition to using my sites patronage system. Which will allow your contributions to go much further! I'll announce when the site is ready to go later tonight. I hope the effort will have been worth the time and money. |