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Phewa things have changed so much for this piece so many times.
But it finally feels like its reaching its final form. A lot more background to have to ink now, I'll have to give another look at the perspective on that couch. I really digging how its going, how about you?? If you really love what you see consider helping to support the project by becoming a patron via paypal. ^ o^
Hoboy. So after discussing matters with my brother and Wereworld I realized that a small change could get the perspective to feel much more dynamic, and that a much bigger change could really push for a bigger moment of anticipation.
Thus despite how disapointed I will be to have in a sense wasted my time over the last 3 days I'll bite the bullet and put in the work to vastly improve this piece. Really it wasn't a waste of time because I wouldn't have gotten to this much stronger design otherwise. Its all part of the process. ^ _^ I'll really only have to redo her arm and legs. I'll have to do more work with the background now though but it will be worth the effort. This feels like it will be so much more epic a piece now, I'm really excited! I even realized there are some major ways I could improve some of the previously completed pieces that will really bring them all in line design wise and help to strengthen the core of these 2 characters struggle. Tell me what you think about it all I really want to know, and please don't forget to consider perhaps leaving a donation or at least helping to spread the word! ^ _^ Mnrrrg wound up staying up all night working on this.
Didn't finish the inks but orphan is mostly finished now. Feels a lot more cohesive than before. As is usual though it will make much more sense once the colors start getting layer in. I still haven't quite worked out how standard will go from this moment to the one where she has Orphan in a head lock. Perhaps a swift kick to a sensitive spot or she has to resort to stabbing her. I'm playing witht he idea that when Orphan reverts that she has bruises or scars in all the places she was injured. Saying something like... "I hurt everywhere." :c I imagine days later wondering how she got these weird scars she didn't remember getting. Tell me what you think so far, does anything stick out as particularly weird or bad with the anatomy? If so please tell me so I can get it fixed. ^ o^ Even just telling me that something feels weird will help me to figure out what i might be missing from working with it too closely. Arms feel better now Though still lots of little details nagging at me just yet that will need looking into. :0
As a lot of her body is hidden by the perspective and I'm worried that the placement of her legs and such just isn't quite getting the perspective I'm after just yet. Ah well, will wait to see it again tomorrow with fresh eyes. ^ o^ Lotta improvements since this morning. Still though it feels like there are some fundemental errors I need to figure out.
Does anything in particular stand out to you?? Could really use some input to better zero in on the issues. I suspect its the anatomy of the arms coupled with the extreme foreshortening thats just not sitting right with me yet. Still a lot of push and pull to go with this one but its starting to feel more cohesive now. Both claws for Orphan will have to undergo some major adjustments to get the scale right.
Orphan is unique among those cursed with lycanthropy in that her full sized wolf form is many many times larger than what is typical of the Fang's soldiers. The problem is that being so small in statue and young still the massive increase in mass is incredibly painful causing her to blank out during transformations. Usually a cause of her body shutting down her human mind in order to protect itself through in newfound lupin instincts. This makes discerning between friend and foe a near impossibility, but something that she will eventually overcome as she continues to grow into her body. Can her newfound friends last long enough for her to find equilibrium with herself in that time is the question. Please don't forget to like share and subscribe as a patron! Man this piece has been resisting me really bad. I don't want to abandon the work I've put into it but it just wasn't working as I intended it to.
What I wanted was to have a piece where both characters seemed to have the upper hand in their struggle before the new challenger arrived. So I'll try adjusting the layout to make it look more like Orphan is about to pounce on Standard and see how I can get that working. I might try reusing the other side i had inked with Standard too just in a piece that focuses more on her than struggling against Orphans arm. Tell me what u think of the changes so far. :0 Lotta changes / refining to get the anatomy and body language to all match up properly. Started shrinking down Standards face but i think it might be too large now still compared to the rest of whats visible of her body.
Mnrrg accurate foreshortening and perspective can be such a pain sometimes. XD Hrmm not sure which variation of this pic feels better just yet.
I shrank down Orphan's body initially because I wanted to get more of her arms in there, but now I'm thinking it feels too small so I made a quick edit using the mid and large scale to see how it feels. I'm not sure which feels best just yet given how big she is in some of the other pics in the novella. Thinking about it now I think trying to update a pencil sketch from half a year ago is restricting me too much. I'm thinking I just need to start over from scratch and find a better dynamic pose for this particular piece. This project has gone on for so long It feels like I've wildly improved from the earlier pieces in the set now. I'm sort of feeling like I really should just do something extreme like start over. I guess given the nature of a novella it wont be quite so big an issue if there are some inconsistencies in the character models or skill levels, but it just riles up my perfectionist nature really bad. :\ What do you think??? Leave a comment and help me decide. Or is anyone reading these?? Y oY Commend below here if u do. :c |