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Phewa I'm so sorry its taken me so long to finish this one! To T
I started this pic back in September in anticipation of it being my Halloween project. I'm a big fan of Go Nagai's Devilman especially of his Devilman Lady. So It's a character I really love and very much wanted to do her justice. Then I wound up having to fight with the VA over my dental care. A fight I ultimately lost that left me bitterly defeated and very low on reserve mental energy and as a result physical energy. It led to me just seemingly having forgotten how to draw, and I had to redo numerous major parts of this work to get things looking to were I could accept them. I'm sure those peeps who frequent my streams are sick of seeing me work on this piece. There are still parts I'm not super happy with but overall it gets the job done. I'm really sorry if it felt like I've completely dropped off the map while working on this piece. It just felt like it wasn't worth sharing the WIP steps for this one as it would have been long stretches of looking nearly identical to outsiders. Given that were so close to Christmas already I plan to just work on doing some sketch work in the meanwhile. It feels like I've really lost track of exactly where I'm at with my Patrons and I need to get that tightened up. Please be sure to reach out to me to ensure you all have access to my patron rewards, and if your part of my server please be sure to remind me to give the proper role. Patreon used to be able handle giving those outs but I've been essentially permanently suspended by them. Which reminds me that I really need to update that page some and clean it up a bit. If any of my patrons are reading this I'd love if you could love over the Subscribe Page and see if you notice any glaring issues you think I should address. I'd especially like to encourage my Gold Tier Patrons to reach out to me on discord as I'd like to try and get you all a sketch at some point soon if at all possible. Thanks again for all of your support and sticking with me in these dark times. I'm really hoping to rally myself in the upcoming year and get one of these major projects finished and made available for people. I still need to get the Gold Tier contend updated for this new work, but its set up for the Copper Tier. (Does anyone ever access the gold tier Rewards??) I realized I didn't have a High Res page set up for the Fan Art yet and spent today working on that. :p Man I still wanna do a full website rebuild on Webflow but it's been a major chore trying to wrap my head around that site.
Finished this last week but got kidnapped for the holiday and wasn't able to get it fully uploaded to the website until just now. :p
-The clothed variant is available in the main gallery. -The high res variant is available to Copper Tier Patrons and above. -The nude variant is available to Silver Tier Patrons and above as well as its corresponding high res file. -The original .PSD is available to Gold Tier Patrons (For Learning purposes only please.) :p Click the Subscribe? link if you would like to become a patron today! To access your patron rewards click the Log In link! If you have any trouble logging in or need an assist with becoming a patron then hit me up on discord or however you please and I'll help get things sorted out as soon as I can. I'll be adding a short story in the near future to this work but I need a little more time to start that process. :p Thanks you all again for your support! You've all played a major role in the creation of these works of art. I hope to get prints made of this and some of my other major pics for the Gold Tier Patrons. Feel free to reshare this link when sharing the art over social media. Sharing of my works is a major help with getting discovered by a wider audience. ^_ ^ Complete at last! Man this took so long to complete, I really hope it was worth the effort. If you really like the final results please be sure to share it around and show it some love. :p Copper Tier Patrons and above can access the Ultra High Res Variants of the file! Silver Tier Patrons and above have access to the NSFW (True Version)! Gold Tier Patrons have access to the original .PSDs (For learning purposes only) If you love what you see please consider becoming a Subscribe?Patron! I live via the donations my beloved Patrons make to me, every little bit helps significantly! I barely scrape by on under 1400 a month so every cent counts. ^o ^ Starting today I'll be getting back to my sketch queue and knocking out as many as I can per day. If you have a reservation in the queue and haven't filled it out yet nows the time. I really want to get it emptied out before moving on to my next piece and holding some contest for peeps. And Don't forget!
Follow me on Picarto, and Piczel to never miss a livestream, and if your already a patron be sure to join us at the Official Crimson Dames discord server and join the community. We got spaces to have fun, share your own creations, or discuss anything you'd like, within reason. ;D Also never feel like your not good enough to bring me feed back or critiques of my creations. Even an amateur artist can spot things I can improve upon at times. ^_ ^ Finally it is complete!
Took longer than I had hoped, (Like Always) but it was worth it I'd say. I really like how the 2 look together. Can't wait to get the other 2 created to see the whole set together. In the meanwhile though it's time for this months role for loot! Rules to play! https://www.studio-aegis.com/roll-for-loot.html While the prize pool is small don't forget that you can easily boost both pools by 1 simply by becoming a Copper Tier Patron! Starts as low as 2$ per month. ^_ ^ Also becoming a patron is the 1 time I allow peeps to re roll (but primarily from Rabbit to Cat mode) :p I'll be getting back to the sketches in the queue of which there are several from the previous contest that have not yet chosen what they wanted!!! If you wait too long u'll end up waiting longer if I'm in a coloring mode. :p After that though I'm not sure if I should jump right into the 3rd image with Red Riding Hood Prisoner Vs. Granny Wolf, or if I should do something completely unrelated for the sake of something unique. Was contemplating taking another stab at that harpy concept I wanted to do, I rediscovered the reference I was intending to base it on tho I had some how lost track of it at the time. XD Cast your Rolls and tell me what you think in the discord or Livestream. ^o ^ Complete at last! My first full color illustration for the year!
Man I really love how this one turned out! I already added the new illustration to my Teepublic page in case peeps are interested in some merch items to show off in. ^o ^ If you end up getting something send us a photo of u wearing it, and I'll give you a sketch reward! I for sure want to get some posters created for this one. I just need to find me a print shop that can handle a smaller print run at the quality and scale I'm most interested in. I think what I'll do for this one though is set it up so that they can only be acquired by Gold Tier patrons at no additional cost. I still need to research the cost and shipping for it all tho. Since I don't have a vehicle I can't easily ship stuff out on my own so several little technical hurdles I'll have to figure out before then. I'll keep you all posted tho! I really wanna hear ur feed back on this piece tho! and please don't forget to share and fave where ever you can! I need all the help I can get to widen my reach. I very much need to raise my income to reach a new level of production. :p HD scaled pic is available to Copper tier Patrons and above, with the original .PSD available to Gold Tier Patrons (For learning purposes only please) Thank you all again so much for your support especially my dedicated patrons! I could not afford to do this work without all of your amazing support!!! Finally She is complete!
I had stopped working on this one for a time while when I began work on the Pierced Lycanthrope. I forget why precisely. I guess I just wasn't waking up with enough time to do so. But the intense amount of work that it took to complete the Pierced Lycanthrope gave me a whole new level of skills that allowed me to go back and make major adjustments to this one. Thanks to that I can now stamp this one as finished. I could go back and do a completely new animation at some later point. This one had a bit more flexibility to get some different movements out of the model. It might be fun to do avatars or emotes where I try to pull out some different body language. For the now though She is available to behold in the main Crimson Dames Gallery. Super High Res variants are available to Copper Tier Patrons. Nude Variants are available to Silver Tier Patrons. And The original .PSDs and .Spine files are available to Gold Tier patrons. (For Learning purposes only) I'll be starting a new Roll For Loot Contest very soon as well! So keep an eye open for that! Finished this a finished and posted to the website a few days back but got kidnapped for Christmas before I had a chance to finish posting it to my feed. XD
Now to get started on the animation process! Took longer to complete than I had hoped but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Some of the more subtle details people might miss are stuff like veins and freckles across her body. I feel like I'm always growing stronger as an artist but somehow I'm growing slower as I think through ways to implement the vision stuck in my head. Got to find a way to speed things up in the upcoming year. The full sized image is posted to the main Crimson Dames gallery the High Res image is in the Copper Tier, with the Original .PSD in the Gold Tier gallery. (For learning purposes only) Would love to hear what you all think of it, love it hate it? Is okay I wont feel too bad, but crave your feedback nontheless. :p In the meanwhile join me in the livestream as I prepare to animate her. ^o ^
Hoboy this took a while!
The main illustration was essentially completed weeks ago, but as I started breaking down the figure to rig it in Spine Esoteric I found that the main image changed just enough that I couldn't bring myself to finish posting it until the process had been completed. Spine is such a crazy cool program! Been having a blast figuring out all its ins and outs to see what it can accomplish. There's still quite a ways to go until the animation is complete but you can see some glimpses of whats been figured out thus far. Their just quick WIP animations where I simple slapped parts where they should be. They don't yet have proper squash and stretch, secondary movements, and ease in/out. I think I probably broke the figure down far more than was actually necessary, now that I'm seeing all that the Mesh system can use. so the next piece will go much quicker. I'll even try my hand at animating some other artists images to see what I'm capable of. Now all of these revelations have some major implications concerning how I move forward with my novella and Crimson Dames in general. I'll go into greater detail with what I've got planned in my next Raven Roundup (Formerly Raven Weekly). Oh yeah and the pics have all been posted to the website too! Regular versions for the Iron Tier, High Res Files for the Copper tier, Uncensored variants for the Silver Tier, and the massive .PSD is available for Gold Tier Patrons (For learning purposes only) Be sure to check them out and and tell me if you see any irregularities with the website. I'm sure I must have forgotten to link something properly somewhere. Oh I also got the design over on teepublic as merch too! Tell me what you think so far would love to hear what you think! Apologies again for how long this has taken me to get a new update prepped for, I'll be posting some birthday sketches I recently created for peeps soon, and am also starting up on a new pic that I think is coming out rather well too. Lots more to come see you soon in the stream tonight! And again for those of you who are already patrons, thank you so much! You have no idea how much you've helped me to advance as a creator. Really hope I can track down a good local print shop that will let me get some new poster prints made soon. If you have any suggestions for places that can handle small print runs and ship please send it my way. ^_ ^ Forgot to post that I finished this piece! XD
Is loaded up on the website now for the patron sections. realized too that the link to my last pic wasnt working too, should be good to go now. remember you can log in under Patrons if you are one and see the early access, high res files! |