Been plugging away at these shadow layers trying to get the sense of lighting just right. The base colors will likely wildly change as things move forward, as I'll be giving everything a greenish tinge from above. Will be a lot of back and forth to get all the elements to feel natural to one another.
If anything sticks out as particularly wrong at the moment tho please don't hesitate to bring it up to me so I can correct it before it becomes a major hassle to do so. :p I really get a kick out of drawing these 2, their faces are so much more expressive than some of my other characters. Well I guess Prisoner's is a bit more subdued here but usually, there's a lot going on there. XD I may change the colors for Granny Wolf's attire completely perhaps something more violet? The nice thing with this process is that its relatively easy for me to adjust the base colors without having to radically alter the shadow layers. I can't really tell how much longer this piece will take, but hopefully not too much longer. I'm pretty eager to knock out the Vampire Vs. piece and be able to see the whole set side by side. If the novella can have a dust jacket it might be fun to have it be reversible so that all 4 can be displayed somewhere.
Man this ones been taking up so much time and I really have no idea why.
Am I letting too many things distract me on a daily basis?? Whatever the cause I really love how its coming out. I deeply apologize for the lack of new posts, but I have been plugging away at these projects diligently. I just feel that it wastes too much time posting each nights progress every night, especially if the average viewer can't really see the difference. So I had been waiting for better milestones to show off. :p Tell me though if you prefer seeing those progress reports. With September around the corner I really need to start thinking up what this years Halloween project will be. Should I add a couple spooky ladies to the Ladies of Halloween project? Or would peeps prefer more progress on The Shewolf Bride comic? (Now housed under "Projects". I really need to get back to the writing of the novella too. Between sketches, overhauling the website, and other activities, I found new information much better explaining how to convert tokens into Etherium And then being able to cash that out into "real" Money!
Unfortunately it costs a hefty fee to do so, around 200 dollars ish, give or take depending on the markets and such. BUT I had enough tokens saved up over this past year to make about 1500 dollars! Really not a super significant sum, but at the same time more than I have to work with in a given month. Helped to give me a better cushion on my credit card and hopefully I can invest a bit of it into my Studio. I recently purchased a years worth of Restream.IO despite my not really having wanted to, (about 200 dollars) but it will let me stream to both Picarto and Piczel at the same time. Seems they have a means to combine chat feeds too now. So hopefully if I got it all working correctly I'll be able to see the chats of Dsicord, Piczel and Picarto all at the same time. Is costly adding 2 more subscriptions to my monthly debt tho. but if it helps me to reach a wider range of people then hopefully I'll be able to recoup it soon enough. Now that tokens no longer feel like Funny Money to me I'll be throwing a lot more effort there into building my following. I'll look into allowing people to become patrons through Minds for tokens and perhaps even allowing people to occasionally purchase a sketch via tokens as well. The value of the tokens is about 3$ per at the moment, so if u had been sitting on the fence before I recommend trying it out. Cultivate a feed you can enjoy find more artists to support, and add your own voice to the community. I'll peeps out where I can to reach more people too. ^_ ^ Oh yeah as for the sketch We have another spooky mannequin today. Another with too many legs. XD I imagine this would be really fun to see animated chasing people around. Flipping upside down as it pleases to give chase. While overhauling the website I noticed that I had a few too many empty slots in the Mannequin section under "Concept Art". So I thought I'd remedy that a tad. :p
Hoboy this was a long time in the making!
I set out to do a major overhaul to the website to help simplify navigation and make it easier to move between key topics. I've moved the creations tab from the top to a new header located in the footer. Where its major topics have been broken down into their own tabs. The Crimson Dames Gallery and lore items have been combined into tabbed galleries that will allow for far less clicks to access the information contained within. I separated out the Projects tab for easier viewing and updated it to also house some of the pencils that I've not yet had the time to get around to inking. I've also combined all of the Fandom pages into tabs within their own gallery located in the footer. I still need to get some pics people have sent me in there tho. I also still need to better simplify the Subscription page. Perhaps cut back on my sad story a tad and just let people get tot the point. XD I really need your help with figuring out what else is still broken or needs refining. I havn't even had a chance to make it over to the Patron pages just yet. I still need to find a better video player option too so that the Double Shewolf and the Pierced Lycanthrope can be viewed properly. If you have any suggestions complaints or questions by all means throw them my way so I can help to improve things. ^_ ^ I'll likely award sketches too if people manage to find issues I hadn't yet discovered myself. :p So keep a sharp look out. ^o ^ |