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Started sketching with no real goal while watching Ghost In The Shell and got carried away.
I'm not super adept at rendering realistic mechanical devices but I'd like to think I get the gist of things down okay. To The left a cyborg under maintenance. To the right a Cowbot packing some head. And up above, a creepy braincase observation model cyborg. Having long since lost all of its original body. Still it serves its intended functions.
Phewa I'm so sorry its taken me so long to finish this one! To T
I started this pic back in September in anticipation of it being my Halloween project. I'm a big fan of Go Nagai's Devilman especially of his Devilman Lady. So It's a character I really love and very much wanted to do her justice. Then I wound up having to fight with the VA over my dental care. A fight I ultimately lost that left me bitterly defeated and very low on reserve mental energy and as a result physical energy. It led to me just seemingly having forgotten how to draw, and I had to redo numerous major parts of this work to get things looking to were I could accept them. I'm sure those peeps who frequent my streams are sick of seeing me work on this piece. There are still parts I'm not super happy with but overall it gets the job done. I'm really sorry if it felt like I've completely dropped off the map while working on this piece. It just felt like it wasn't worth sharing the WIP steps for this one as it would have been long stretches of looking nearly identical to outsiders. Given that were so close to Christmas already I plan to just work on doing some sketch work in the meanwhile. It feels like I've really lost track of exactly where I'm at with my Patrons and I need to get that tightened up. Please be sure to reach out to me to ensure you all have access to my patron rewards, and if your part of my server please be sure to remind me to give the proper role. Patreon used to be able handle giving those outs but I've been essentially permanently suspended by them. Which reminds me that I really need to update that page some and clean it up a bit. If any of my patrons are reading this I'd love if you could love over the Subscribe Page and see if you notice any glaring issues you think I should address. I'd especially like to encourage my Gold Tier Patrons to reach out to me on discord as I'd like to try and get you all a sketch at some point soon if at all possible. Thanks again for all of your support and sticking with me in these dark times. I'm really hoping to rally myself in the upcoming year and get one of these major projects finished and made available for people. I still need to get the Gold Tier contend updated for this new work, but its set up for the Copper Tier. (Does anyone ever access the gold tier Rewards??) I realized I didn't have a High Res page set up for the Fan Art yet and spent today working on that. :p Man I still wanna do a full website rebuild on Webflow but it's been a major chore trying to wrap my head around that site. This piece was inspired by some AI results.
I'd thought up this simple moment of Orphan getting licked by one of the Daughters of the Fangs Brides. But it wound up helping to add a lot of connective tissue to various small moments and scenes I had in mind that will greatly help in fleshing out some powerful moments deeper into the series. I'd thought it would be fun if the girl licking Orphan winds up going Bleeck! She tastes like soap. ~ o~ Which would call back to a funny moment I wanted to do where RRH Standard gets sick of the smell of wet dog, and dunks Orphan into a pond and scrubs her down with a bar of soap leaving her comedically traumatized. With this new moment though I thought it could be really cool if the trio ends up going looking for Orphan later tracking her down by her scent. only to stumble upon Standard and Prisoner instead and freak out fleeing. Leading to the realization that the Fang hunters have been tracking the trio down via the scent of Standards Soap. Leading to them being able to turn the table on a major trap set for them taking out their pursuers. This will also be a moment that leads to one of the trio mentioning how Orphan looks just like the goddess they pray to of Queen Lupina the first of the werewolves in their world. This will lead to even more crazy revelations deeper into the story. It was such a small moment but its helped to pay off so many unique moments and set up others. I'm quite happy with it. ^o ^ The Super High Res file is available for Copper Tier Patrons with the original .PSD available to Gold Tier Members. (For learning purposes only please) :p The journey to learning how to create the ideal Female Werewolf with A.I. has been a pretty chaotic one. Stable Diffusion has proven to overall be a wash for me, with how unintuitive its systems are. At some point I'd like to attempt to train a model for werewolves on it with my better results elsewhere but for now I feel I'm starting to get close with Midjourney... and I'd likely have succeeded already if not for the dam censorship.
Either way I'm starting to find some fun poses that react well to some of the better models I've created so far as inputs. Which as been no easy task with most of my input attempts being blocked for censorship. Decided to draw over one I liked the energy of below adding my own unique style to it. Cant ever just use the base 1 for 1 due to how inaccurate the anatomy often is, but is pretty good as a general guideline to follow. I'll be posting the better of my results to a new page under the concept art section. Some of them make for very nice inputs tho most are blocked by the system. ;0 Not sure if i'll take this pic to completion yet but so far its a fun pose. Tell me what you think. ^_ ^ Finished this last week but got kidnapped for the holiday and wasn't able to get it fully uploaded to the website until just now. :p
-The clothed variant is available in the main gallery. -The high res variant is available to Copper Tier Patrons and above. -The nude variant is available to Silver Tier Patrons and above as well as its corresponding high res file. -The original .PSD is available to Gold Tier Patrons (For Learning purposes only please.) :p Click the Subscribe? link if you would like to become a patron today! To access your patron rewards click the Log In link! If you have any trouble logging in or need an assist with becoming a patron then hit me up on discord or however you please and I'll help get things sorted out as soon as I can. I'll be adding a short story in the near future to this work but I need a little more time to start that process. :p Thanks you all again for your support! You've all played a major role in the creation of these works of art. I hope to get prints made of this and some of my other major pics for the Gold Tier Patrons. Feel free to reshare this link when sharing the art over social media. Sharing of my works is a major help with getting discovered by a wider audience. ^_ ^ First pass as the lighting effect on the hair and feathers are almost complete!
Still working on the big sisters legs. After that I'll start up on the highlights for their skin. Trees still need don't have any highlights yet either. Am pretty happy with how its coming out so far. I'm still debating if i should do a censored variant to help provide more value to the Silver and Gold tier patrons. That and it would allow me then to put the design on some merch and such. It would closer to loin cloth and bits of torn fabric so as not to make 1 version wildly better than the other. I really need to find me a new quality print shop to get some full size posters made, preferably I'd love to get some wall scrolls created. Any of you have any leads on places that could do walls scrolls affordably? Preferably without having to go through China? Could be cool too to do double sides posters with 1 side being the uncensored variant. Would love yo hear your input on them. I do really want to get some products out to my long time patrons who've been so instrumental in keeping me going. Your all the best, even those of you who can't afford to support fiscally. :p Started up the highlights today!
Mainly on the Middle Sister so far. Hows it feel so far tho? This is just an initial pass so lots more work ahead. Their skin will feel brighter overall too by the end. Wanting to make sure I capture that sheen tho that will be crucial in telling them apart later. Still debating if I should do a censored variant for print purposes. #CrimsonDames #Harpy #Gothic #Horror #Art Made several changes to the line art today. Probably imperceptible to all but me unless your directly comparing previous versions of the work thus far.
I beefed up the chin for the Big Sister some, and gave her 2 feather decorations in her hair. Likely having originated from a bitter rival harpy she gutted some time ago. I recall seeing pet birds place paper cut outs they made themselves into what was the equivalent of their hair to stand out more. I adjusted the anatomy of the Lil Sister, moved her collar bone a tad, pulled back on some of her scars, added her second leg in, and gave her a necklace. The shadows are nearing completion, tho a lot of the detail in the wings still looks like a black blob. Which will hopefully read a lot better once I get the highlight layers going. I really love the vampiric witchy look they have going for them at the moment. Will probably need to add a secondary light source to the front so that the under sides of their wings read better, just not sure what color to go with just yet. Would love to hear what you all think so far! Rilly starting to come together now!
Can't wait to see how this one turns out. Still trying to decide how I want their colors to be. Something like pale white skin with blood red feathers? Or maybe black like a ravens? What do you think? |