Sorry! It's been too long without an update. Been working on a new illustration this past month. The lighting has been difficult to figure out.
The scene is a moment where Red Riding Hood Standard makes a climatic leap just as a voracious 2 headed dragon lunge after her. And end up crashing their heads together. I'm still figuring out the lighting effects. Lotta shading to do still before its done, but its starting to take on a proper life of its own now. I've been needing to post more regularly but my various maladies have been keeping me from having the strength to do so. The website had an issue too where it lost its SSL for some weeks and I only just figured out how to get it set back up correctly. I want to rebuild my website from scratch so bad, but Webflow is too complicated for my meager coding skills, and at the same time insufficient to pull off the full scope I have for my website. I really just need to learn to code on my own, but don't even know which language to start learning. I really need some help figuring out where would be best to start given what I'm trying to accomplish. Heck it might be better if I just build my own codeless web builder. designed to organize my sites data and aesthetic the way I need. More and more I think what I really need to do is make a website that is an interactive video game. Imagine something where you could explore various dungeons and find pages that open access to new 3D galleries. With unlockable ways to access key characters input on a given work in their own voice. I need to be able to utilize multi layered web building. I know its possible but most site builders don't easily account for its possibility. Seen some really cool doom mods that had me thinking "surely I could pull off something like this" Make a sort of pseudo walking simulator where you physically go to different areas of the site to view whats been created. And or ancient tomes where you flip through and see the various sketches done as tho it were some arcane wizards manual. So much I want to do so little time, and even less funds and energy to go round. Remember you can always find me in the discord. I need to post more about my Fallout 76 camp and shelters too that have kept me pretty distracted of late. Thanks again so much for your continued support in these trying times. I really want to find something I can create to give back to you all. Just always a struggle to figure out where best to get something printed. My works tend to not print as well as I'd like.
Progress with this has been slower than I'd like... like usual. X0
Been experimenting with a new AI art generator I recently discovered called Promptchan. Its a paid for service where the niche they chose to focus on is that its... 1- A much more simplified Stable Diffusion tool set that's easy to pick up and start using. 2- Is mostly uncensored. Save for content that's illegal in most places around the world. It's using an in house compiled model that is much better than the typical service like these I've seen pop up with much more reasonable prices. Now mind you its by a very small team of 3 devs, So updates are a bit on the slow side, but they've been very open about utilizing the feedback from customers in their discord server. It has plenty of growing pains yes, but thanks to the way they've set things up its far easier to get a decent image generated even if it ends up not being very close to the mark of what you wanted. I experimented with Automatic 1111 for a good while and wasn't ever able to ever get it to produce anything even half as good as Midjourney's worst. Here I'm able to get right decent results though I find its model while great at doing pinups, struggles a bit more with more out there concepts... such as those I've been trying to get it to do... mainly female werewolves. XD They've been making steady progress though for how small their team is, and with SD having recently released some very powerful next gen tools available to the public for free I have high hopes that they will be able to continue to advance their service and make something that can eventually rival even MJ. Even while using the equivalent of older tech AI wise they've already put together something that easily fills in the gaps that MJ has purposely ignored the needs of from their customer base. I used it in this drawing tho not quite in the way you would think. Nothing in this image so far is directly made by an AI, but I did feed in progress I made along the way to see how well it could recognize the subject material and how it could be enhanced. That lead me to being able to identify several major anatomical mistakes that I was able to work back in to the ongoing work and making it far more appealing than it would have otherwise. I'm sure it will be able to help guide my process with the shading too. I'll post an example in a bit of ways it can be used by aspiring artists outside of letting the AI do all the work. Inks are coming along nicely. I might change up the girl in the background again, Still not quite feeling her yet. The chest on the big shewolf is still an item of concern at the moment.
Still gotta decide if this is her sister or mom. Not quite sure about the girls pose just yet.
Face feels off still and not sure if she shouldn't be more in that exterior hall. Will have that space be were the main light source is coming from casting long shadows. Wanted the shewolf to take up more of the space but then I'd have to crop large parts of her body off and there would be nowhere to put the girl were she would look right. Mebbe I'll zoom it all in a bit closer before inking tho not sure yet. I could scrap the scared girl aspect and have her just be all creepy about it. Oh yeah mebe shes holding a spiked collar and a chain leash. Like she's bout to take her sister out to get back at some people. That would read more interesting I think story telling wise. What do you think though? Not sure if I'll take this to full illustration just yet, but just felt like doing another mid transformation shewolf.
Always love the first 15% and final 70% of the process most. I really love this stage of the work, when its full identity begins to reveal itself.
Wound up adding a lot more thorny vines to the background. Plays into the concept of the Path of Pins / Path of Needles. Which has some rather intriguing metaphors in the original lore. Still got some more sketches to put out for peeps but have been rather slowed down due to my dental situation. That the VA is making ever the more a harrowing endeavor. I currently have no more teeth, and my gums are a mangled mess. They are so backed up appointment wise that I wont have a proper pair of dentures until deep into next year. And I've got to go in for yet another surgery for them to reshape my jaw bones. An Aveoloplasty or some such. I Shouldn't have looked it up on youtube. Basically will slice open my gums yet again and go in with what are wire cutters to chop off any remaining bone material that's sticking out too much. A proper clinic would have done all of this in one sitting but the VA sees fit to keep bringing me in repeatedly to ensure I wont be fully healed for a long time. My mouth feels incredibly unnatural and I wonder now if I'll ever get to feel normal with my mouth ever again. I desperately want implants. They make the amount of material needed to hold dentures in places far less and ensures you don't have to constantly be dealing with denture cement. My experience with the VA medical system has overwhelmingly been a negative one and isn't doing me any favors concerning my mental well being. Which is why I wound up in this situation to begin with. Man I can't believe its already almost October. It feels like I've accomplished so little this year. I'm really thinking that I'll have to suspend doing sketch requests next year so that I can build a proper focus on my Crimson Dames and do better with promoting myself over social media. I really REALLY want to visit a haunted house this year but with my mouth in the state that its in I don't even want to be seen in any capacity. The wolfs anatomy keeps undergoing a number of changes, but I think its just about where it needs to be now. :p
Tinkering with the layout of the Werewolf's body still but the pencils are nearing completion for the 4th and final of the Vs. illustrations featuring the 4 Red Riding Hoods and their Big Bad Wolves.
First pass as the lighting effect on the hair and feathers are almost complete!
Still working on the big sisters legs. After that I'll start up on the highlights for their skin. Trees still need don't have any highlights yet either. Am pretty happy with how its coming out so far. I'm still debating if i should do a censored variant to help provide more value to the Silver and Gold tier patrons. That and it would allow me then to put the design on some merch and such. It would closer to loin cloth and bits of torn fabric so as not to make 1 version wildly better than the other. I really need to find me a new quality print shop to get some full size posters made, preferably I'd love to get some wall scrolls created. Any of you have any leads on places that could do walls scrolls affordably? Preferably without having to go through China? Could be cool too to do double sides posters with 1 side being the uncensored variant. Would love yo hear your input on them. I do really want to get some products out to my long time patrons who've been so instrumental in keeping me going. Your all the best, even those of you who can't afford to support fiscally. :p |